The keys to press are:
←,J,j,4 - move left. ↜
→,L,l,6 - move right. ↝
↓,K,k,5 - rotate ccw. ↺
↑,I,i,8 - rotate cw. ↻
space,0 - drop.
N,n - new game.

Created By:
  David Markley

If you like the game, you might like the Hextris Retro T-Shirt. This is an Amazon affiliate link and helps pay for domain hosting and ongoing development.

I wrote Hextris back in 1990. Its first form was xhextris. This was a personal project that gave me a chance to learn X Windows programming. I probably should have been doing my homework, but hacking this was much more enjoyable. A good friend of mine ported it to the original mac and I sent it out as shareware. The best part of that experience was receiving international mail from people who really enjoyed the game. Today, feedback is much more instantaneous but getting physical letters was very satisfying.

In 1992, this game was introduced as an arcade game in Japan called Hexion. That was something that I never expected. Even though it never made it big or outside Japan, the fact that I had a part in creating one of the last arcade machines will always be a fond memory.

Please check out the Hextris Blog to read about the history and add your own experience comments.


© 1990-2023, David Markley
Owned and Licensed by Crux Time LLC